In recent weeks (and months?) I’ve struggled with feeling uninspired.  There, I said it. Now I realize this is my own perception, not necessarily reality. Could it possibly be Wisconsin winter?!  I’m fairly certain that this drought is not due to lack of working hard, reading, praying, studying, listening and what not. Dry seasons happen. And yes, I know the ever-present source of inspiration: the Holy Spirit!  Perhaps my expectations of what inspiration looks and feels like may be out of whack.  There, I said it.  Wait, did I just put God in a box again?  Ouch!

Seeking to regain a deeper connection with the Spirit of inspiration, I took a break from social media this Lent.  Now four weeks into this experiment, I have to say that I miss Facebook and don’t miss it. I’ve been told that at least one person is missing my “inspirational” posts.  As far forging that deeper connection, I sense that is happening as I’ve been inspired to start this blog.

The confluence of these various streams of consciousness? Post-worthiness.  On social media, we create alternate versions of ourselves, cleaned-up versions to present to the world.  e.g., Should I post that I’m watching the game and unhappy with the outcome? Do I need to post a new profile picture that makes me look thinner?  Is this plate of lasagna post-worthy?

In the words of Admiral Ackbar, “It’s a trap!”  I stepped right into it, even questioning the post-worthiness of this blog post! Ah, the land of doubt…

Our worth is in Christ, the one worthy of our praise.  God’s love for us extends beyond Facebook facades and into the deepest, messiest, most broken places of our souls.  God’s grace is sufficient. And there’s plenty to go around. Extra helpings for this work in progress, please!