Showing: 11 - 16 of 16 RESULTS

Immersed in Light

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shined. (Isaiah 9:2)

Deep darkness dwellers
Receive God’s shining light
Waking, walking wounded
May you be immersed in light tonight
Multiplier of the nation,
Increaser of its joy
Bring forth your kingdom
Manifest in an infant boy
Establish and uphold your throne
Reign now and evermore
With justice and with righteousness
Bring peace, o zealous Lord

Taking Leave

The leaves are taking leave
The trees are letting go
Some leaves drift toward the ground
Others forcefully blown
Let go. Show your colors
Against the autumn skies
Give way to seasons change
As God’s creation sighs
Fallen leaves coat the ground
Crunching underneath feet
Leap into this pile!
A memory so sweet
Raked up. Swept up. Bagged up.
Or left in place on lawns
The leaves are taking leave
Until the springtime dawns


Heads and hearts
Oversaturation of news
Polarized views
Bent over
Pent up
Traumas resurfacing
Survivors rising
and standing
in solidarity as
silences cease

God, we need you!
A glimpse of grace
Even a trace
Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Help us
to breathe
to step away
from the screen
to be kind
to ourselves
to one another
to shut the &#@+* up
and listen
to learn
to live
to love.

Reconnect our
heads and hearts.
That might just be
the place to start.



Standing on the precipice
Edge of the unknown
Shallow breathing
Am I dreaming?
Heart racing
I step closer to the edge
Eyes closed tightly
Trembling slightly
Fear consuming
Danger looming?
Breathe deeply
God is with me
Pry open wide those eyes
And relish in the view
Awe inspiring
Hope restoring
On the verge of something new

The Knowing Place

Last week I found myself in a position where I wondered “What am I doing here?” as I experienced new learning and growth.  I then remembered this poem that I penned nine years ago as I was discerning a call to seminary.    

Did you ever walk into a place knowing
it was exactly where you were meant to be?
Perhaps it was an office, a stage,
a courtroom or a university.
It may have caught you by surprise
because you said, “That’s not for me.”
But there was this inner sense of knowing
that went beyond what you could feel.

What brought you to this place
where deep knowing filled your heart?
Was it an internal compass or
the creator of the universe and stars?
In this place your purpose was revealed
as a puzzle fits together from its parts.
Did you ask “How did I get here?”
That answer is simple. You were called.



Aimlessly drifting
Upon uncharted seas
Come, Holy Spirit!
Move with a gentle breeze
Spirit stirring among us
Breeze becomes gust
We drift about the waters
Learning to trust
Tossed about the whitecaps
Waves engulf our boat
Drifting from harbor
With no sight of the shore
Voice over the waters
Calm the raging storm
Still wild waves of the sea
Casting up their foam
Speak peace to the tumult
Beacon, guide us home
In you is our hope
The anchor of our souls