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For our foremothers on the occasion of Mother’s Day

Thank you, foremothers
Faithful women
Way makers
In between
Behind the scenes
Glass ceiling breaking
Lavish hosts
Stand in
Stand with
Stand up
Uniquely gifted
Outside the lines kind
Load bearers
Space holders
Lovingkindness spreaders all
Carry on, foremothers
Carry on


Once Upon a Pandemic

Once upon a pandemic
We hit the holy ground running
Rising to the occasion
Creating, innovating, bread baking
Months of Blursdays
Have you met the Fatigues? Zoom, Decision, Pandemic
Take your pick
We hit the holy ground falling
To our knees
Weary, worn, and wanting
Survival, revival
A breath of fresh air
We hit the holy ground pounding
Fists in anger
Why? When does it end? How can we endure?
We hit the holy ground exhausted
Releasing all these burdens
On this holy ground
Fists filled with dirt
Mouths filled with praise
Hearts filled with peace
We rise to the occasion of each day


Love Will Prevail

Read the comments
Do I dare?
Conspiracy theories
Cautionary tales
Breaking news
Breaking hearts
Broken families
Broken bodies
Case counts
Death tolls
Do I dare scroll more?

Facebook facades
Covering fear and pain
Hiding behind screens
What is to be gained?
Check your sources
Check your privilege
Take a breath
Stop keeping score
May peace rise within
Healing from the core

Hope for tomorrow
Grace for today
Be kind to one another
Love will prevail


Morning Flower

Dew-kissed morning flower
Fragile petals welcome gentle winds
Burgeoning sturdy stalk a swayin’
Bravely facing each new day
Beauteous morning flower
Rooted deeply in the loam
When parch seasons loom
Know that you are not alone
Stand firmly, gracious flower
Radiate joy all of your days
Releasing seed unto the ground
New growth is on the way


Holy Wisdom, Loving Spirit

Holy Wisdom, Loving Spirit
Text: Marilyn Lange, 2020.
Tune: BEACH SPRING, The Sacred Harp, Philadelphia, 1844.
Holy Wisdom, Loving Spirit
Breathe upon us once again
Reignite your flame within us
Stir among us, gentle wind
Although scattered, we still gather
In our homes around your Word
Dwell among us, stir within us
Holy Spirit, fill our souls
Gather in all your beloveds
Rest upon us, gentle dove
Unify us as one body
Strengthen us to share your love
Comforter of all who struggle
Captivate us by your call
Interceder, sanctifier
Advocate, inspire awe
Helper in our every weakness
Lead us forth with joy and hope
Equip us for your purposes
Anointed with gifts to serve


Plow Through

You’ve done the work
Put in the time
Cleared the pathway forward
Space created
A glimpse of freedom
Only to be taken
With a roar
A rumble
Soul-jarring, earth-shaking clatter
In the wee hours of the night

Morning dawns
Radiant sunshine
A shimmering blanket of snow
Opposes azure skies
Gear up!
A lung-filling, satisfying breath of icy air awaits

Come, momentum, come!
The path is clear…perfectly
That overnight roar
That overnight rumble
Plowed in.
Another obstacle
Another barrier to break through
Progress pushed back

Plow through.
Plow through.


Beyond Blur

Back in the day
Polaroids ruled
Instamatic cameras
A click
A flash
The whir of soon-to-be seen snapshot ejection
Look? Don’t look!
Just a peek? A glimpse
Darkroomless development
Right before your eyes
A 70’s miracle beheld by a corner between thumb and forefinger
Now these relics remain only in albums of yellowing, acidic, cellophane covered pages
Crammed in basement boxes
Fading with the passage of time
As memories do

In this day and age
Digital’s the default
Darkroomless, instantaneous development
Point and shoot
Again. Again. Again.
Until the tiny screen reveals perfectly posed and poised pixels
Keep or delete decisions deferred
Photoshop covers a multitude
Filters fix foibles
Malleable memories
Preserved not on self-adhesive cellophane
But in cyberclouds and on SD cards
Not fading, still fleeting

Our development
Not instamatic or instantaneous
Beheld in God’s hands
Forget filters
Foibles forgiven
Purposeful, pixelated perfection
Given glimpses of glory
What is now blurred
Shall become clear
Be patient, my child
All is developing as it should


Abundant Hope Abounds

Restless, wandering hearts
Yearning to be led
Hungering, thirsting mouths
Longing to be fed

Life restoring God
Renew our weary souls
Shine your face on us
Save us from ourselves

Like rainfall on the grass
Watering the earth
Shower us in love
May our hearts be stirred

Watch over us, O God,
Upholder of the poor
Lift up those bowed down
That lives may be restored

In watches of the night
Glory-fill the earth
Stir up your might and save
With love in full measure

Peace be within each heart
Calming every storm
Abundant hope abounds
Now and forevermore


Peace in the Silence

My mind set adrift
Away from the sounds and the noise
Hushing the cacophony
Off to distant, quiet shores.
There is peace in the silence
Where you draw ever so near
No commotion or clamor
Only your voice I hear.
My spirit basks in the stillness
Where deep calls to deep.
All is well.
My soul is at peace.
Poetry Sermons

A Poem Sermon for Transfiguration

Transfiguration Sermon – March 3, 2019
Behold! The story begins.
The Beloved Son befriended brothers beside a lake.
Beckoned them to be fishers of people
He called. They followed.
Through many manifestations and miracles
They followed.  
Fishers of people are persons of prayer.
These men moved up a mountain to do just that. 
Mt. Hermon? Mt. Tabor?  Scholars debate.
A high mountain!
A sky kissing mountain!
Mountaineer missionaries
Ascending with psalms? Scaling with songs? I wonder.
Prayer at the peak was the plan.
Purposeful plodding
Set a course for the summit.
Step by step
Looking up and not looking back
Unknowns ahead
Worries behind
What once seemed insurmountable was now within reach.
Almost. There. To the place of prayer.
Pause. Persist. Pray.  Repeat.
Behold the Beloved Son!
Countenance curiously changed
Transfigured. Transformed.
Between Moses and Elijah
Gloriously glowing!
The Law. The Prophets. The Lord.
Dog-tired disciples. Alert enough.
Wait! Don’t depart!
Do we dare dwell together here in tents? Three!
We can build them. You will see.
How good to be here!
Kodak moment in the clouds
Momentary. Mystifying. Miraculous.
Beyond belief
Bewildered. Befogged. Befuddled.
Besieged by fear as a bellowing voice spoke from the sky, “This is my Son. My Chosen. Listen to him!”
We do listen! What did you say again? What just happened?
The Beloved Son.  Alone.
No longer amidst apparitions
No longer glowing in glory
Bystanders bestirred to silence.
Behold! Our story begins when the Beloved Son beckons.
He calls us by name.
Are we following, fellow fishers of people?  
High mountains ahead
Sky kissing mountains!
Mountaineer missionaries
May we ascending with psalms and scale with songs.
Equipped for the journey
Purposefully plodding
Prayerfully plodding
Set a Spirit-led course for the summit!
Step by step 
Looking up and not looking back
Unknowns ahead
Worries behind
The insurmountable within reach
Only possible with God
The maker of mountains
The mover of mountains
Pause. Persist. Pray.  Repeat.
Dog-tired, disciples?
Arise. Attend. Awe awaits. 
How good to be here!
In this moment
Make way for mystifying, miraculous marvels in the mediocre. In the mundane.
Overshadow us, Lord.
When we become bewildered, befogged or befuddled
We are listening.
Pause. Persist. Pray.  Repeat.
Be discipled.
Be disciples.
Beyond church doors
Beyond walls and borders
Be the church.
Behold, beloveds.
Be alert.
Be attentive to the bestirring of the Spirit.
Transformation taking hold
Be stirred not to silence but to speak.
Be stirred to spread the good news.
Glimpses of God’s glory
Go forth in God’s grace.