“One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight, for a very long time, of the shore.” – Andre Gide

Inspirational quotes such as this one sound so pleasing to the ears when we first encounter them. Perhaps in reading the quote you envisioned sailing gently away from the shore on a yacht, cruise ship or even a sailboat as I did. Smooth seas. Sunny day. Not a care in the world. Back to reality. Mind you, I have roughly zero boat piloting skills. Other than rowing or paddling, I likely wouldn’t venture far from the shore. Navigation? No problem. I can read a map with the brightest and best of them. Actual steering and driving the boat? Another story for another time.

Pondering the quote on a deeper level proves more challenging. Think about it. Leaving the safety and familiarity of the shore behind, we venture forward. Whether we simply drift away from the coastline or embark full speed ahead, fear of the unknown sneaks in when we find ourselves in uncharted, unfamiliar surroundings. Discovering new lands sounds great until the shoreline sinks into the horizon.

When lost asea with no sight of the shore, how do we respond? Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me comes to mind. Seriously. Trusting God through the ebbs and flows and currents, we float with hope. God’s grace carries us until we land on those distant shores. Shore not in sight? No worries. God’s eyes are on you. Through every stormy night. Through calm or unbridled seas. Through it all. God has you. New lands await.