A few days ago, a spoken prayer on a morning prayer CD that I listen to caught my ear.  I don’t recall the exact words but the gist of the prayer was to be mindful of God’s presence throughout the day, especially in the stranger.

That afternoon I did encounter Jesus, at the hair salon, in the form of a young woman who was clearly and admittedly struggling with some addiction issues. I confess that my discomfort almost got the best of me. Even with training and practice, some situations prove more challenging than others. This was one of them.

Comfort zones are exactly that: comfortable and difficult to step out of!  At a loss for words, I simply prayed silently and listened as she shared her struggles. There was Jesus, amidst this woman’s tale of stolen property, hard times, regret, broken relationships and frustration. Our encounter ended with a few brief words and an awkward, nervous laugh.

Had I not heard that prayer that morning…had I not stepped out of my comfort zone…I may not have noticed the holy in the lowly: my own discomfort and lowliness, the lowliness which I perceive in others and the lowliness of God.  May my eyes be opened to the holy lowly every day. 
